Klaus Falschlunger - Sitarmusic


Klaus Falschlunger

Since first finding his love for the Indian Sitar over 25 years ago the Austrian musician Klaus Falschlunger has become an expert on the instrument and an active representative of the Indian-European scene in Europe. He studied Indian classical music and sitar in New Delhi and Varanasi in Northern India from 1991 to 1995 and later in Vienna/Austria.

Growing up with jazz and rock music, he discovered the diversity of music more and more in his extensive travels to Asia, the Middle East and Europe. Apart from his love for Indian classical music, he composed and experimented with different formations. His creativity and versatility brought him together with many musicians and artists from India, Korea, the USA and Europe.

He has played numerous performances in Europe, India, Mexico and South Korea and released and produced numerous albums with different ensembles.